Hey.... So.... Surprise!!! It was
transfers!! And I completely and totally forgot to tell you!! And the story
about what happened today is a bitter-sweet one. I don't have a whole lot of
time unfortunately but I do have time to tell you about transfers and such. :)
So Grandma Despain texted me and told
me that "Pineapple Express was leaving for East Tucson!" I was so
confused... But then I realized that Elder Gilson is from Hawaii and would be
leaving, hence "Pineapple Express". She was pretty excited and that
made me laugh pretty hard admittedly. Bless her heart, I miss her so much!
Anyway, I called and asked how she knew and she said that Elder Gilson had
checked online. I got all excited and asked her to look mine up! She did and
sure enough, I had a new name next to mine. Elder Derrick Dale Deyarmond from
Dorr, Michigan (It's pronounced de-arm-un-d). I didn't recognize the name
though... No one had. Elder McKenna thought he did from somewhere but he
couldn't remember from where. Then he remembered... The ATM (Arizona Tucson
Mission) News Letter that they give us every month has the names of all the
missionaries going home AND COMING IN. Guess who's name was on the list of
missionaries coming in! Yup, I'm Training again! I have another son!!! Now I
have 2 sons and 2 daughters. I also have 3 grandsons and 2 great grandsons. I
don't even know how many nephews or neices I have! It's just too complicated.
Here's the weird part about this
transfer... I hit 18 months today... That means that all 18 sisters that I came
out with are going home tomorrow!!! Also, some of my favorite missionaries
including Elder David Netane (He is Tongan) is going home!!! You have to go to
his home coming if you can! I think he goes to a polynesian ward in Salt Lake.
Because I am training and he is going home, we both needed to be at the
transfer site for the meeting. But there is a shortage of vehicles in our zone
and we have to pack missionaries in tight on p-days alone, not including all
their luggage and other stuff. We were asked to have Elders Billhimer and Jones
pick us up at 5:00 a.m. and drop them off at the Benson transfer site where all
the other missionaries from Sierra Vista and surrounding areas go for
transfers. Then Elder Netane and myself were to drive from there to Tucson and
be there around 6:30 a.m., 7 at the latest. So we get up and we get a ride over
to Elder Netane's from a member. The night before I called Elder Billhimer and
reminded him to set his alarm for 4 a.m. so they could finish packing and then
drive the 30 minutes to get from his house to Elder Netane's. They said they
would do it.....
....They didn't set their alarm....
We called them about 43 times (not
"about"... we counted. 43 times....) and got voice mail every time. 3
times is an emergency, 43 times means the world is about to end if you don't
pick up your phone. Needless to say, we were stressed, tired, and mad. They
finally picked it up at about 5:10 and said that their alarm didn't go off.
Then when we questioned a little more, it turns out they didn't even set their
alarm! They stayed up playing games with some members and got home late,
finished packing most of their stuff, then right to bed. They got to our place
at about 5:45 and we ZOOOOMED out of there! We dropped them off at the Benson
Transfer site then headed to the Tucson Site where all the other missionaries
were. We texted President and let him know our situation and he asked us how
long we would be. We said about 15 minutes late (That was our prayer at least.
It normally takes about just under an hour to get there and it was already
6:30...). He said that he would stall and just hurry but don't speed (too
much!). So I didn't speed, too much... :) As we were driving there though, I
realized that I had let lots of people down before too and had forgot lots of
times to set my alarm and such. So I couldn't stay mad at them. Unfortunately,
they don't have a good reputation in the mission for this stuff though. We
pulled into Tucson and into the Transfer Site at exactly 7:15... Miracle? I
most definitely say yes!!! We got our companions and had a trainer/trainee
meeting with all the new missionaries and their trainers. We left there and got
some lunch then headed for home. We got here at about 2:30 but it feels like
it's 9:30 cause I'm exhausted!!! But Im super excited to be with Elder
Deyarmond! He is about 5'7" and 180 or so. He likes most sports but loves
to swim and any winter sport. He just graduated this year so he's only 18.
Funny fact actually!
In my District there are:
Me - 18 months out
Elder Deyarmond - 0 months out
Elder Farnworth - 1 month out
Elder Mitchell - 3.5 months out
Sister Walter - 3.5 months out
Sister Goodwin - 1 month out
My whole district is under a year
old!! We could combine the number of months they have served and it still
wouldn't equal a year!! That's ridiculous!!
Yup, that's about it! Crazy to hear
that Jeni Bodine is home!!! Tell her I say hi and to email me her new email!
Also crazy to think that Nick gets home TOMORROW!!! Time is flying by so fast!
I can't believe it... But that's okay, just gotta live it up while I can!
I talked to Elder Gilson at the
transfer site by the way. Of course, Hope came up very first. From what he
says, she is doing AWESOME!!! She is reading from the Book of Mormon and both her
and her mother want to be baptized before Hope's birthday in January!! God is
blessing her in so many ways and the best part is, she knows it's coming from
Him!! Keep praying for her! :)
Terrick is in Texas and will not be
returning.... He did some really really dumb things and if he comes back, he
will be arrested. For a long time. So keep him in your prayers too please! He
needs it now more than ever!
I think that you should pick out an
ornament for me this year. I have been looking but haven't been able to find
one yet. Also, I have been looking for presents to send the fam but I can't
think of anything either! Any suggestions?? Do Tell! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
~Elder Kyle Harris
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